For spectator attendance in the United States the sport of horse racing is second only to baseball. It is the event that has grabbed the interest of individuals from many walks of life. There are those for example that enjoy a little bit of wagering on the outcome of almost every race. They often are a bit smug when they find that they have accurately predicted the winner. It does not hurt however when the outcome of a wager is favorable and gives them a chance to increase the size of their wallets.
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The manner in which the wagering is to take place will often depend much on the venue in question. There are windows for example that one can go to in a track that is designed and built for showcasing racers and their talents. There one can place their bet on the animal of their choosing. Displayed somewhere in that same area is a display board of the odds for each horse winning, showing, or placing.
Another interesting fact about this sport is that there are a variety of races that fall within the title of horse racing. Including what can be said to be Thoroughbred and harness races, and steeple chasing. They each have those that can be said to be enthusiasts that maintain that their version of the sport is the one that is the truest. In fact the rivalry between those of various opinion can be said to quite fierce.
Thoroughbred racing involves the participation of animals that were specifically bred and trained for the sport. The surface that they run on is often an oval track with either turf, dirt, or other specialized substance that ensure that the speed that is achieved is one that is quite fast.
A steeple chaser has a bit more to deal with on the track. There are obstacles in the way that any entrant has to overcome in order to get to the finish line. Thus they usually deal with them by jumping over such things as water traps, fences, and walls.
A harness race will not involve a rider known as a jockey. Instead there is a driver that sits on a cart that is called a sulky. The sulky is harnessed to the horses that are entered into the race. Thus they are running while at the same time pulling the driver and the cart behind them.
The sport of horse racing has been around for quite some time, has been avidly followed by many, including royalty, and is exciting to those who are spectators. In fact it has been given the label of the sport of kings. Thus a person should take the time to go to one race to get an idea of what goes on.
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